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Underwood Community Schools

Underwood High School


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Course Guideline: Health Education 2018-2019

                                                                                                                                       Health Education

                                                                                                                                            Ray Spiegel

Philosophy: Science literacy is a national goal for all students. Students need to engage in activities which foster growth, intellectually and socially. These activities help students learn, think, and progress towards a successful career of their choice. Applying scientific content to new problems is an active way for students to engage in their own learning.

Objectives: The Health Educator learner will:

                    Understand health and wellness.

                     Explore mental and social health.

                     Study personal care and body systems.

Notebook: You should keep all of your papers in your notebook until grades are handed out. This way you can make sure no errors were made on your grade.

Absences: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed. If you miss notes you must ask me or another student for the notes. You will have two days for every day absent to get your make-up work turned in.    

Make-Up Work: Student absent when work is assigned will have two days for every day absent to complete the work if the absence is excused. An unexcused absence no credit will be given but the assignment is still due.

Exams:         Exams missed will be rescheduled with Mr. Spiegel. Should the student fail to appear at the scheduled make-up time, the situation will be treated as an unexcused absence.    

                     Quizzes: Quizzes will be on Fridays and cover material from that week.

                     Grading Procedure: The grading scale is on the bulletin board and also located in the student handbook. Your grade will be based upon total points and will consist of five parts:

                     homework, tests, quizzes, projects, and labs.

                     Tardy: Any tardy to class, without an excused pass, you will serve a 30-minute detention before school. After the 3rd tardy, your parents will be contacted.

Classroom Expectations:

                     1. There will be no rude comments made to anyone during this class period. We are here to learn not disrupt others.

                     2. No food, candy, drinks, etc. are allowed in the classroom. Gum is allowed as long as it is not seen or heard.

                     3. There will be no cell phones.

                     4. Absolutely no talking during test or quizzes. If there is talking during tests or quizzes, it will be looked at it as cheating, and a zero will be given for that grade.

                     5. Students will be placed in a seating chart.

                      6. Restroom and locker passes will be limited. You should take care of these necessities before you get to class.

                      7. Students should not touch or handle anything in the science room that does not belong to them.

                      8. Above all, respect your fellow classmates and teacher. This room will not tolerate learners being interrupted by disruptive behavior. Everyone is here to learn.